Sunday, March 8, 2009

Blast, blast, blast...

Photo cartoon from A Softer World, created by Emily Horne and Joey Comeau (posted here with permission)

My "consolation prize" trip to Paddles went above and beyond my expectations. The munch at Moonstruck Diner was packed. Unfortunately, we were invaded by a large party of vanillas at the next table over. Many Little Vanillas scurrying around as well, which dampened some would-be conversations. Still, it's New York City, and if you take your kids to a diner you take your chances on the conversations you might overhear. We do our best to be discreet; do not always achieve that goal...

Because of the interlopers, while at the diner Rad simply handed out the "raffle tickets" (not actual tickets; each one was half of a card from a deck of cards--cool idea), and we held the raffle later at the club. Michael let us use the microphone and we ended up giving out about 15 "prizes" -- a few books, a few DVDS, and a bunch of toys. Harry G. and J&L contributed prizes as well; thank you! (Where did you guys go, by the way, J&L? I missed you later.)

Susan, if you're reading this, we had left some "prizes" in the car, so your winning ticket WILL be honored next time we see you. (Someone had the audacity to be off getting spanked while the raffle was going on.)

So, that was a little twist to the usual activities and, reportedly, people enjoyed it. We, meanwhile, got to clear our closet of a bit of toys we never use, books we've already read, and spanking DVDs that we didn't think we'd watch again.

And oh, yes, I got spanked. Yes, yes, yes. Thank you to my fabulous tops who stepped up and knew how to take care of me, especially (big meanie) Rad. I will write about that soon. First, breakfast calls. I was ravenous last night leaving the club but did not succumb to temptation. Now I'm simply hungry and must "nom nom nom."


Radagast said...

It was a fun, fun, fun time. Let's do it again next month.

LauraT said...

So glad you had big SAM fun!

Anonymous said...

how much do I love that kitty picture..?? Luckily, my eyes don't itch from pics of the little feline furryheads....
(great to see ya!)

Anonymous said...

Hey Sandy,
It was nice be missed. we just weren't feeling it Saturday nite. We've had alot going on at home lately and just took the weekend to be alone and reconnect. We actually had a great time. We got a really nice suite and just took advantage of it. J was looking forward to playing with you, but we just needed the time. Hope to see you guys at the next event.

Jean said...

Glad you had such a good time, Sandy. I do love the kitty picture.

Ms. Cassandra (Sandy) Park said...

Thanks, Laura, Lisa, TD&M, and Jean.

TD&M -- I think I understand your angst. The party was nice in spite of certain negative elements, which we ignored. Maybe we'll see you either at MSA or SSNY?
