Friday, October 30, 2009

I'm blaming Richard Windsor...

smooth jeans
photo has nothing to do with blog. I just like it.

Dammit, whose brilliant idea was it to create a blog with links to every other f***ing spanking blog or website in the entire f***ing spanking universe? I've been checking out all the blogs for like almost two hours already. I mean come on, I'm going to be exhausted tomorrow after perusing "A Taste of the Birch" and girl's pyjama spanking, and then this fun little page Domestic Discipline Dreams, which hasn't been updated in a while but includes an interactive word search ...

Um, yes, honey, I'm going to bed ... now... I didn't do it! Talk to Richard Windsor.


s. said...

Rich is to blame for lots of stuff! ;)


Jada said...

I know, right? He has soooo gotten in the way of my NaNoWriMo prep. I'll always think, "I'll just check one more time." Next thing I know it's 2:45 in the morning.

Richard Windsor said...

Glad I could be of help, Sandy :-) You wanna know the fun part as well, due to the increased hits people seem to be posting more as well. It is early days but the blog has got off to a good start. I somehow missed this blog and only had your other one listed, that has now changed.

Will I be seeing you in PA tonight?


Ms. Cassandra (Sandy) Park said...

I'm so exhausted, and didn't get to check responses until now, Saturday morning ... oops, it's Saturday afternoon already.

Richard Windsor caned me real nice last night... ooooooh .... thanks!