Thursday, January 28, 2010

A bit of crack...

A "real" blog to follow later, I think. Marie's given me her old Crackb... Blackberry, so I'm having fun getting used to all the settings. Immediately love how easy it is to see new emails. Now I need to explore how convenient blogging, tweeting and other such nonsense will be from the road.

Yes, I still want the LATEST gadget, but this'll do for now.

Among other things, I'll be writing about my shoot with Southeastern Woodshed (this happened on Tuesday; I topped and bottomed), next.

Time to get ready for work. I'm embarrassed that it's taken me a month to post a new blog. What can I say? "Spankable offense?" ... what ISN'T a spankable offense? Line up.


mitch said...

We get spanked for your offense?

Anonymous said...

I think I got spanked for her offense. ;)

Cassandra, I think back to our video and I still get chills, in that good way!

Unknown said...

Hope your video is better than the one Holly posted with the new girl that one sucks

Anonymous said...

Considering the fact that I was there, I'm going to say that I liked that session, very much. I felt that was the closest to an erotic spanking between strangers that you'd see on Holly's part. E's responses were perfect, sensual and she marked up beautifully.

What didn't you like about the clip, Linda?

Ms. Cassandra (Sandy) Park said...

Mitch, I never said I would pass on my punishment to others. However, if you're volunteering...

Tori, I loved playing with you...

Linda, I don't know what you didn't like about the new video but you know, these are real people, some of whom I know. Really not necessary to be so blunt ...

Unknown said...

Misstorid I have learned that when holly farts you say I am sorry

Unknown said...

Sandy to be so blunt but its the truth

Unknown said...

I did NOT like the new holly clip